Thursday, July 31, 2008

What is This World Coming To?!

Oh Yes what is this world coming to when our very food begins to show us the trend out humanity?! I found this revelation in the form of a hot dog. I was making Erik one of his favorite meals, a hot dog. I cooked it, got a bun out, everything was going as it had many times before, and then I saw it, the hot dog. When i put it in the bun, the hot dog looked like it was in an over sized coffin. How did this happen?! Isn't the purpose of a hot dog bun to be just the right size to hold the hot dog so that we can get rid of those blasted utensils? Who wants to bite into a hot dog and find only ketchup, mustard, and bun?

For Erik, he eats his hotdogs a little differently than the general public. He thinks that the more ketchup the better. If you lose sight of the actual hotdog underneath the mounds of ketchup you almost have enough.

As you can see, he is very pleased with the ketchup to hotdog ratio this time. Thank goodness for him he doesn't actually eat all of the hotdog bun or else he might also taste of the bitter dissapointment of a hotdog drowning in bun.

It is equally awful when you come across the exact opposite problem, there not being enough. This is my poor over worked closet. I even have one of those closet organizers that promise to quadroople the storing space. As you can see that either that was a blantent lie, or my room is shrinking.

Yes there is not enough storage space in my room that i must go to extrodinary lengths to make everything fit.

As you can see, my room has actually literally shrunk! The mirror is even lower than it used to be, my whole body won't even fit in it anymore. If any of you know any room growing products, I am very interested!

Oh Shaunadoodle

This is the lovely couple in the flesh, or rather in the charcoal. This was a wedding present that was given to shaunadoodle from Erin and I. When I went over to her house to give it to her, her mother was talking about how this would be an air loom someday. Then she proceeded to say that their children will fight over if after they die... What?! They are still in their prime, we don't need to start putting sticky notes on prized possessions yet. Their children aren't even born yet. I guess it would end a lot of future arguing if they just allot things for child number one, child number two. But what if they under or overestimate? Oh what a messy business!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Hair Cut

Every once in a blue moon Erik needs a haircut. Oh this is an experience to be had. For a regular haircut it only takes two people, the person cutting the hair and the person getting their hair cut. But not for Erik, oh no, he has a team of specialists! First there is his Aunt Lisa who is at point. She does the actual cutting. Then there is his mother who must hold his head still while the master is at work. This is a very taxing job in itself as you can imagine from his dancing photos! Oh yes that boy has some serious dance moves going on :D Then there is my job, I hold his hand and on occasion, hold his leg.

Once the haircut is complete there is hair everywhere! Not just a little, masses. I now no longer have to wonder what erik will look like with a mustache, I got a preview! So what is one to do with all of this hair? You can't just leave it, and simply brushing it off will not sufice... Hmmm... Oh yes, vacuum it off! It is quite humorous that this seems to be a normal activity for Erik. As you can see there is never a dull moment in the life of Erik.

Oh Look at this new haircut, isn't it amazing?! I never realize how long his hair is until he gets it freshly cut. Oh what a difference! Erik is definitally ready for school to start again. He is going to be such a heartbreaker!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Strawberry Surprise

We are always looking for new things to make, mostly because I can only make so many cakes before getting bored. So we were looking on Andrea's blog, Erik's sister which is excellent by the way, and she had posted a new recipe. It was strawberry bread. I love strawberries and bread so it seemed to make perfect sense to put these two amazing things together to make something even great, a mastermind of ingredience.

Yes it did indeed turn out to be spectacular and a must repeat recipe. The hardest thing about making bread is that it takes so long to cook. It is so tempting to take it out when it only looks done!