Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I had a friend tell me that most people should not have a blog. That someone should only have a blog if they really have something to add to the world and not just pictures of baby's first step. That got me thinking about it and I have come to the conclusion and that blatantly disagree. I disagree so much that it has gotten me to write this blog post after a hiatus of 6 months. I feel that freedom of speech and self expression is important. That creativity can be nurtured through activities such as blogging and it can bring new ideas to light and create new friendships. Countless times I have searched others blogs for craft of baking ideas, not that I bake that often, but I always like to see what's out there. So in constant protest I will be blogging more frequently. I have not idea about what, but I will be blogging. Ready of not world, you have a new blogger in town!